Advanced Thermodynamics of Materials MSE 532 (Graduate)
Computational Labs
G(T,P) Phase Diagram with Halfspace Intersections (Instructions)
G(T,P) Phase Diagram with Halfspace Intersections (Python Lab)
G(T,x) Phase Diagrams with Convex Hulls (Python Lab)
Ternary Phase Diagram Lab in Virtual Reality (Instructions)
Previous Exams
Classical Thermodynamics
Statistical Mechanics
Solution Thermodynamics + Phase Diagrams
Pre-Recorded Lectures (2020)
Lecture 1: All Materials Have Energy
Lecture 2: Pushing on a material (Conjugate Variables)
Lecture 3: How do you come up with an idea like entropy?
Lecture 4: Second Law of Thermodynamics
Lecture 5: Geometry of Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Lecture 6: You define the system! (Legendre Transformations)
Lecture 7 P1: Clausius Clapeyron
Lecture 7 P2: Generalized Phase Diagrams
Lecture 8: Thermodynamic Metastability
NO LECTURE 9: Mistake on my part, since I doublecounted 7
Lecture 10: Thermodynamic Partial Derivatives
Missing Part from Lecture 10, played @ 24:07
Lecture 12: Canonical Ensemble
Lecture 13: Insights from Stat Mech
Lecture 14: Generalized Ensembles
Lecture 16: Fermions and Bosons
Lecture 18: Lattice Vibrations