Introduction to Materials Informatics
Prof. Wenhao Sun
Prof. Akira Miura
July 25, Day 1
Lecture 1 Slides
Introduction to Data-Science and Materials Informatics
Materials Genome Initiative
Cross-Industry Standard for Data-Mining
The Periodic Table as a Data Problem
Lecture 2 Slides
Data Understanding, Data Preparation
Materials Project
Object-Oriented Programming
July 26, Day 2
Lecture 3 Slides
Lecture 3 Python Notebook
Hands on session using Materials Project API with Python Notebook
Querying the Materials Project
Preparing a Pandas Dataframe
Implementation of a simple Random Forest Regressor.
Lecture 4 Slides
Introduction to Machine Learning
Inductive vs. Deductive Analysis
Sci-kit Learn
Machine-Learning considerations and pitfalls
Lecture 6 Slides
Figures, Good Bad Ugly
Lecture 7 Slides
Da Vinci
My data science story of Ternary Nitrides